U-DO-IT-1 - Help From Friends

Toothlessness a clue to deadly heart disease?  A study conducted in Sweden and 39 other European countries found that tooth loss was related to gum disease and is believed to have a role in narrowing arteries. 15,000 heart disease patients were assessed for tooth loss and after 3.7 years it was found that a 6 percent in risk for major cardiovascular events and 15 percent higher risk of cardiovascular death for patients with fewer teeth.  For patients with no teeth, a 27 percent  risk for major cardiovascular events. So, keep your teeth!

U-DO-IT-2 - On Your Own

U-DO-IT-3 - Fill It Yourself

All videos  are taken from homemade videos available from youtube. It is not recommended that, other than brushing,  dental  treatment  be done at home.

Dental health is strongly tied to overall health. Regardless how you take of your dental problems remember that your dental malady can result in unanticipated health problems.  Something as simple as dry mouth could indicate diabetes and bleeding gums might mean early stages of heart disease. What about canker sores? Could be signs of nutritional defiency which could result in nflammatory bowel disease, even Crohn's or colitis. Oral sores, lumps, reddness on gums or throat could indicate oral cancer. So it is best to take care of your oral health. How is up to you, but think it through, it's your health afterall. 

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